Nur noch wenige Tage - unser GEWINNSPIEL: Tolle Preise für Taucher und Feuerwehren.


Compact, robust, durable and versatile

Powerful, compact, robust and durable - these are the main characteristics of the versatile new high-pressure compressor model "NAUTIC Marine“.
Whether for work or for hobby, the Bavaria NAUTIC-Marine with its features and the fantastic price the right choice.
Ideally suited for use on fire engines, yachts, submersibles, for professional divers and diving schools as well as on liveaboards. Smallest dimensions and low weight combined with modern as far as possible maintenance-free technology guarantee perfect handling and functional reliability in all areas of application.
Using the standard AIRSAVE BASIC control the operating hours, the filter cartridge saturation and the service and maintenance intervals are monitored and displayed. When the final pressure is reached, the compressor switches off automatically. Automatic condensate drainage is available as an option.

We are out!

We are on vacation from August 9th to 27th. But don't worry, the emergency service is available by email always available for you.
You can purchase consumables and spare parts at any time in our webshop "" order.
We will be available for you again from August 30th.